Plugin Tag: message
DX Out of Date
(3 total ratings)Display a notification box on the single view of your outdated posts, given a set amount of time (configurable).
Brief Message
(0 total ratings)Add a widget to display a short sentence.It will be displayed in the form of Twitter.Like the theme "P2", logged-in users can post from the front end.
BuddyProfileMessageUX Free
(8 total ratings)This BuddyPress plugin replaces the functionality for the Public Message and Private Message buttons on profile pages.
Site Notices WP
(3 total ratings)Show notices, alert, popup, info messages on your WordPress site easily. Choose where to display notice on any single page/post/product or on complete …
Private Comment
(0 total ratings)Allow commenters to choose restrict their comments exhibition only to site owners = Portuguese: Resumo = Permite ao comentador escolher restringir a e …
BuddyPress Sticker
(10 total ratings)BuddyPress stickers Allow Users to add stickers in activity posts and message by clicking on icons
Text Local SMS
(1 total ratings)Best SMS plugin for WordPress, send SMS in WordPress easily, all countries support.
Custom Welcome Messages
(1 total ratings)This plugin will allow you to add a custom welcome message to your login/register screens. It will also allow you to add a separate custom message fo …
BuddyPress Private Messages for Friends Only
(3 total ratings)This plugin only allows friends and site administrators to send private messages on your BuddyPress site.
Custom Cookie Message
(0 total ratings)License: GPLv2 or later License URI: Custom Cookie Message compatible with multilanguages and multisites.
(0 total ratings)Do you wanna inform any important news or message to your readers ? You can use this plugin.
WP247 Extension Notification Client
(0 total ratings)Provides the ability for WordPress extension developers to send notification messages to their users
Aged Content Message
(3 total ratings)Displays a message at the top of single posts published x years ago or earlier, informing about content that may be outdated.
Vanilla Bean Slack Hooker
(1 total ratings)Notify one or more slack, mattermost or other endpoints with configured webhooks for Wordpress events. Notifications for plugin installs and updates, …
Dashboard Message
(0 total ratings)Displays a custom message on the dashboard with full HTML/PHP/JavaScript support. Useful for administrator who have clients as users.
Toast Popup Notification News Alert
(0 total ratings)This is popup simple message on you all pages or specific page.
Notification Bar – Top Bar – Easy Sticky Notification Bar | FM Notification Bar
(1 total ratings)FM Notification Bar is a quick and easy notification bar and call to action for your site.