Plugin Tag: auto
Auto Post Images (API)
(1 total ratings)Automatically insert images to posts without having to edit the post. Supports renaming images for search engine optimization (SEO).
WP Auto Restaurant Finder
(0 total ratings)Show a detailed map of restaurants with a shortcode or by cat/tag with auto searching for address inside post
ZA My Favorite Plugins Installer
(0 total ratings)Get rid of manual operations. One-click installer for automatically download, install and activate your favorite collection of wordpress plugins.
WP Google Auto Directions Path Finder
(0 total ratings)Calculates the best route between two points using google directions. With auto detection for both points.
WP Google Maps Auto Business Place Finder
(0 total ratings)Show a detailed map of any kind of business places, like hotels, restaurants, airports, art galleries etc, with a shortcode or by cat/tag with auto se …
Loja Automática
(0 total ratings)Quer abrir uma loja e não tem produtos para vender? Sem problemas. O plugin Loja Automática cria uma loja automática para você.
MP Auto more tag
(0 total ratings)Auto sets the more tag to post title if no custom text has been set.
Auto Describe Taxonomies
(0 total ratings)Using freebase, this plugin will auto describe tags and categories.
Alobaidi Slider
(2 total ratings)Beautiful slider, responsive and retina, autoplay, touch devices, youtube, vimeo, keek, and instagram image support, slider widget, easy to use.
Sky Remove Attached Files And Featured Images Automatically
(2 total ratings)Automatically eliminate attached media from posts and featured images uploaded via Media button.
Automotive Feed Importer
(1 total ratings)Import Vehicle Inventory from XML feed into database for Automotiv Theme.
Auto table scroll
(0 total ratings)Adds horizontal scroll to big tables in content if they don't fit, useful on mobile viewport.
Zedna Auto Update
(0 total ratings)Allow automatic update for Core, Plugins, Themes, Translations and send a notification about that.
Smart Search URL Auto Correct
(0 total ratings)Reduce 404 errors by correcting typos, simplifying words, and compering them to a list of your existing pages.
OVN Auto change post title
(0 total ratings)Major features of this plugin include * Add text before or after current post title * Relace or delete text in post title * Select custom post type to …
Simple Image Uploader
(0 total ratings)Automatically upload external images To media Library and replaces in post