Bubble Menu – circle floating menu


The Bubble Menu is the free WordPress plugin for creating the original bubble float menu. It allows you to install on the site floating buttons with unique thematic icons. The extension serves for placing both traditional navigation bar and additional block with useful information for user.

The Bubble Menu plugin will be the effective solution for increasing the recognition of your web resource. Its connection will bring originality and novelty to the used theme of the site. The extension helps to configure user-friendly navigation, place useful information or contact panel.

Main features

  • Unlimited amount of menus
  • 8 positions of floating buttons;
  • Adding custom ID and Classes to the menu item;
  • 2000+ Font Awesome 6 Icon;
  • any links insertion;
  • using the tooltips to provide more information;
  • round buttons shape.

Bubble Menu can be used for:

  • site navigation;
  • additional menu;
  • social panel;
  • user menu;
  • Skype menu and others;
  • And more…

Pro version

Connect the Pro-version of the plugin to gain access to more features:

Preview of Pro version

  • create an unlimited amount of menus;
  • use up to 8 floating button positions;
  • change the form of the menu display: Circle, Rounded square, Ellipse, Square;
  • set the color of the main button and submenu items;
  • accompany the change in navigation behavior with the highlight when hovering the mouse cursor;
  • use one of the 16 animation options to set the effect when you open and close the menu;
  • add unique custom images to display on the buttons;
  • open the link in a new tab;
  • use the built-in user menu, social panel and print function;
  • set the display according to the user role and status;
  • change the menu output depending on the language of the page;
  • add restrictions for screens with large or small resolution;
  • use the categories on the site, exceptions and ID to place the menu on individual pages;
  • insert the shortcode of the panel in the specified location;
  • And more…

Buy Pro version

Use with other plugins to maximize your results


Search for answers and ask your questions at support center


  • Admin panel
  • Contacts block
  • Skype menu


  • Installation option 1: Find and install this plugin in the Plugins -> Add new section of your wp-admin
  • Installation option 2: Download the zip file, then upload the plugin via the wp-admin in the Plugins -> Add new section. Or unzip the archive and upload the folder to the plugins directory /wp-content/plugins/ via ftp
  • Press Activate when you have installed the plugin via dashboard or press Activate in the in the Plugins list
  • Go to Bubble Menu section that will appear in your main menu on the left
  • Click Add new to create your first menu
  • Setup your menu
  • Click Save


August 11, 2022 2 replies
He estado usando este pluging para tener unos menus flotantes en mi web, estoy usando la version gratuita, y a pesar de sus limintaciones logre armar unos menus muy bonitos y dinamicos. Super recomendado. estoy pensando en comprar la version de pago para poder subir mis propios iconos y personlizar mas mis menus.
August 20, 2019 1 reply
I really like the plugin. I have the Pro version. Unfortunately, don’t expect any help from the devs if something doesn’t work right. The plugin lets you create menus only visible to specific users. I have a plugin designed to allow vendors to sell on my site and this plugin sets up “vendors” as a user role. For some reason, the menu I set up for vendors does not display for logged in vendors. I contacted support and the only answer I got was “We tested the plugin and menu works correctly. If you log in on the site as a vendor the menu will show on the front site.” (their exact response). And yet, they had no login information for my site. So, apparently, if it works on their test website, it can’t possibly not work on someone else’s site. I will avoid anything made by this dev in the future.
July 23, 2019
This is a very creative CTA Button, I haven’t seen this kind of circular display in any other plugin (except from this author), so even though it has some restrictions in the free version, it deserves 5 stars.
January 25, 2019
This is one of the greatest plugins i have ever installed , highly recommended , easy to use and can be customised.
October 12, 2018
I use this plugin for many websites it’s easy to use and make my webs more beautiful, my customers love it too
Read all 8 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Bubble Menu – circle floating menu” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“Bubble Menu – circle floating menu” has been translated into 1 locale. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “Bubble Menu – circle floating menu” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.



  • Fixed: dynamic property for PHP 8.2


  • Updated: Update FontAwesome to version 6.4.2


  • Fixed: sanitize saving Link


  • Fixed: escape the user input in page-list


  • Fixed: remove duplicate the menu on the page


  • Fixed: security issues


  • Fixed: minor bug


  • Changed: Admin style
  • Added: option ‘Attribute: rel’ to link
  • Added: option ‘Diactivated’ for deactivate the menu
  • Added: option ‘Test Mode’ – menu will show only for admin


Fixed: minor bugs


  • Updated: FontAwesom Icon 5.15.3


  • Fixed: minor bugs


  • Updated: Font Awesom Icons to version 5.14


  • Added: 4 positions
  • Added: Custom numbers of menu items
  • Added: custom atributtes CLASS and ID to the menu item
  • Added: option for disabling FontAwesome 5 from front-end
  • Updated: FontAwesom to 5
  • Changed: admin style


  • Fixed: minor bugs
  • Fixed: main class


  • Fixed: minor bugs
  • Changed: structure
  • Added: Support page
  • Added: Discount page


  • Fixed: minor bugs


  • Initial release